Loan Story

SoCal Tear(s)drop(ped)




So-Cal Teardrops

Tom called us back in January and had been looking for funding to start manufacturing a new camper trailer he had designed. He called it the Incognito as it really just looks like a pull behind trailer, but inside was complete with everything you'd need to get off the grid for a long weekend.

In his search for funding he came across another business headquartered a couple hours north of him in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. They manufacture and sell small teardrop trailers with multiple different designs. Some are outfitted for a week on an RV pad, while others come complete with off-road tires and plenty of storage to truly disappear for as long as you want.

Tom had spent the the last several years managing engineering projects and designing aircraft interiors. His design and technical brain showed through in nearly every conversation, and he really had a passion for the product. He did NOT have a passion for document collection or dealing with banks. That's where we came in. It's not that he couldn't get things done, he just truly couldn't see the reasoning behind a lot of the lender's requests or questions. In his mind, they were irrelevant.

I've always seen myself as somewhat of a "translator" between business owners and lenders. Taking requests from either side and explaining what the other person is really trying to say. I don't have to use those skills on every deal, but I can honestly say this one would have never made it to the finish line without someone working the in-between. The closer was frustrated. The borrower was frustrated. I was just doing what I do (while being frustrated by both sides). There were more than a few instances throughout the process I thought this one would fall apart, and tears certainly dropped when the borrowers finally made it to the closing table.

The buyer will be updating the ordering system and website soon, but for now you can see these at